Before moving here I was informed by many of the bugs that would probably be living in my house when I arrived. So far I have been very lucky and have only seen one cockroach in the house! But we do have some lovely lizards or geckos that enjoy spending there nights on the walls of our house. We don't mind our guests too much except for the lovely gift they leave behind for us.......there droppings! We are constantly picking up their poop from the floor or whatever else it happens to land on! Nate has caught a few with our plastic container that is now our lizard and just recently mouse catcher that stays outside until we need it for another catch! Now all you lizard lovers out there, don't worry we only go after them when they are in our room. Who wants one of those climbing on ya while you are trying to get some sleep.....not me! And we let them run free as soon as we take them outside so no harm is done!
Gross, Gross, Gross!! You are a braver women than I, I hate bugs and a mouse in my house would spend me over the edge!! I am glad you updated, maybe I should do the same!! I enjoy reading others blogs much more than I enjoy updating mine! Love you chicka!!
Steph! How are you? It's been awhile. What is this about you living in Hawaii?? So jealous! I think my friend Ali is dating your brother??? Crazy, anyways hope all is well. You look beautiful and very happy!
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